Author: abhinav

  • A Day at the New Delhi World Book Fair 2025 – A Celebration of Stories and Ideas

    A Day at the New Delhi World Book Fair 2025 – A Celebration of Stories and Ideas

    Last week, I had the chance to visit the New Delhi World Book Fair 2025, and it was an exhilarating and satisfying experience. Rows upon rows of books, the scent of fresh paper, and the buzz of book lovers from all walks of life made it an experience to remember. The Book Fair Experience I…

  • GitHub Copilot is Making Coding Less Frustrating & More Enjoyable

    GitHub Copilot is Making Coding Less Frustrating & More Enjoyable

    A developer has a love-hate relationship with coding. If you are a coder, then you know the joys of coding and also the pains and frustrations associated with it. Fixing a web page, a complex function, or a bug will bring great joy and a high like no other. At the same time, slower troubleshooting…

  • Sam Altman, Sofía Martínez, Youssef Sheikh Are Changing the World

    Sam Altman, Sofía Martínez, Youssef Sheikh Are Changing the World

    We have the wrong definition of success, leaders, celebrities, and change makers. Mostly, we end up worshipping the people we see on television or in the news. People about whom the newspapers, internet, and videos are talking about are called leaders and change makers. They may or may not impact our lives significantly but we…

  • Everything Can Be Education Or Entertainment

    Everything Can Be Education Or Entertainment

    Motivational or self-help books, podcasts, and speeches often recommend spending more time on educational ventures and less on unproductive tasks or entertainment. They claim they know what we should and shouldn’t spend our time on. They have a perfect definition of what is education and how we can get it. But what is really educational…

  • Do We Live To Work?

    Do We Live To Work?

    Do we live to work or work to live? This question will often come to mind of those who have worked for a few years already. There have been millions of discussions and views about it continue every day. Is Life all about work? Should it be all about work? Shouldn’t work be one small…

  • Auto-Renewal Subscriptions – Are they Ethical?

    Auto-Renewal Subscriptions – Are they Ethical?

    In the new digital consumer world, buying something once is no longer an option. Most apps and service providers have embraced the greedy ‘subscription’ model. And if that weren’t enough they have taken their game to the next level of ‘auto renewals’ of subscriptions. The audacity of these companies is at the level where they…

  • It’s Okay to Quit

    It’s Okay to Quit

    Life will often take us at junctures where we ask ourselves the question if we should continue what we are doing or should we quit and do something else. Often, we are preached that it takes more efforts to continue than quit. That might be true in some cases (like sports, inculcating good habits, etc.)…

  • While there’s still time

  • Using AI to Reduce Employee Attrition: A Positive Usecase to Aid Both Companies and Employees

    Using AI to Reduce Employee Attrition: A Positive Usecase to Aid Both Companies and Employees

    AI is usually equated with job losses and fewer opportunities. However, the world today is still not overtaken by AI and it needs humans. And getting the right employees is a challenge. Keeping the employees within the company, aka employee retention is a bigger concern in many organizations. High employee turnover not only incurs significant…

  • We Need Better Managers than Techies

    We Need Better Managers than Techies

    This topic can be a little controversial, don’t you think? Techies are usually in demand, garner more salaries, and are pampered more. Won’t you say? But in the software industry, who do we need most? Good techies or good managers? With ever changing technology scene you might say that techies will always be more in…