It’s Okay to Quit
Life will often take us at junctures where we ask ourselves the question if we should continue what we are doing or should we quit and do something else. Often, we are preached that it takes more efforts to continue than quit. That might be true in some cases (like sports, inculcating good habits, etc.)…
Using AI to Reduce Employee Attrition: A Positive Usecase to Aid Both Companies and Employees
AI is usually equated with job losses and fewer opportunities. However, the world today is still not overtaken by AI and it needs humans. And getting the right employees is a challenge. Keeping the employees within the company, aka employee retention is a bigger concern in many organizations. High employee turnover not only incurs significant…
We Need Better Managers than Techies
This topic can be a little controversial, don’t you think? Techies are usually in demand, garner more salaries, and are pampered more. Won’t you say? But in the software industry, who do we need most? Good techies or good managers? With ever changing technology scene you might say that techies will always be more in…
Is Artificial Intelligence Really Going to Change the World?
If you are not living under a rock, you must have already heard about AI (Artificial Intelligence). It’s alright if you don’t understand it completely or even partially, most of the people talking about it also don’t. Even your neighbor’s good-for-nothing son also is an expert on AI and will tell you which prompts to…
Emperor penguin chicks jump off a 50-foot cliff by NatGeo
This emperor penguin video is beautiful and brilliant! What a brilliant catch by Nat Geo cinematographer Bertie Gregory