It’s Okay to Quit

Life will often take us at junctures where we ask ourselves the question if we should continue what we are doing or should we quit and do something else. Often, we are preached that it takes more efforts to continue than quit. That might be true in some cases (like sports, inculcating good habits, etc.) but that is not true when you want to get out of a toxic, non-progressive work culture. It takes a lot of guts and efforts to get out of the work you don’t like or from a toxic work environment too.

Sometimes all you need is a little convincing that it’s alright, one job is not your entire being and you will be okay even if you quit.

I have tried to give my best but it’s not happening but what if I try something else and fail there too?

Even though it’s mental torture every day I have spent the better part of my life in this profession, and I don’t know anything else.

So what if my boss is hard on me and throws expletives at me sometimes? He will taper down after sometime and things will be okay. Right?

This organization has become like a family to me, so what if there’s no real career or financial progress? I am getting a regular salary with no fear of getting kicked-out. No one runs out on a family, right?

I have a family and liabilities I can’t afford not to have a job even if it means to suck it up and work in this hellish work environment. That makes logical sense right?

If I quit, I will have to start from scratch sending resumes, upskilling, going for interviews, waiting for results, negotiating, starting at an unknown place. It’s not that bad here, right? Also, I now know how to navigate around abusive bosses and toxic work culture in this organization.

It’s bad here, I agree and I want to find a better work place. But does that even exists? What if the next place is equally or more toxic then this one?

We have been always taught that we should not be quitters. The fault must be within me if I am not able to fix the problems around me.

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